Walking through the jungle

2017年7月22日 土曜日


Walking through the jungle, Walking through the jungle,(ジャングルを散歩しているよ)
What do you see? What do you see? (何が見える?)
I think I see a lion、(ライオンを見つけちゃったかも!!)
Chasing after me, Chasing after me.(追いかけてくる~)

Floating on the ocean、Floating on the ocean.(海で浮かんでいるよ)
What do you see? What do you see? (何が見える?)
I think I see a whale,(クジラを見つけちゃったかも!!)
Chasing after me, Chasing after me.(追いかけてくる~)

Climbing in the mountains 、Climbing in the mountainse(山を登っているよ)
What do you see? What do you  see? (何が見える?)
I think I see a wolf,(オオカミをみつけちゃったかも!!)
Chasing after me, Chasing after me.(追いかけてくる~)
Swimming in the river, Swimming in the river。(川を泳いでいるよ)
What do you see? What do you  see? (何が見える?)
I think I see a crocodile,.(ワニを見つけちゃったかも!!)
Chasing after me, Chasing after me.(追いかけてくる~)

Trekking in the desert,  Trekking in the desert.(砂漠をトレッキングしてるよ)
What do you see? What do you  see?(何が見える?)
I think I see a snake,(ヘビをみつけちゃったかも!!)
Chasing after me, Chasing after me.(追いかけてくる~)

Slipping on the iceberg,.Slipping on the iceberg.(氷山を滑ってるよ)
What do you see? What do you  see? (何が見える?)
I think I see a polar bear,(白くまを見つけちゃったかも!!)
Chasing after me, Chasing after me(追いかけてくる~)

Running hom for suppre, Running hom for suppre,(夕ご飯に走って帰ってるよ)
Where have you been? Where have you been?(どこに行ってたの?)
I’ve been around the world and back, I’ve been around the world and back,(世界一周に行ってきたんだよ)
And guess what I’ve seen、 And guess what I’ve seen、(私が何を見てきたと思う?)