2012年11月19日 のアーカイブ

Make a face

2012年11月19日 月曜日

Make a face.
Make a face.
Make a face.
Make a face.

Put on the nose.
Put on the nose.
Put on the ears.
Put on the ears.
Put on the mouth.
Put on the mouth.
Put on the eyes.
Put on the eyes.

Make a face.
Make a face.
Make a face.
Make a face.

Put on the eyebrows.
Put on the eyebrows.
Put on the cheeks.
Put on the cheeks.
Put on the hair.
Put on the hair.
Put on the tongue!
Put on the tongue!

今月はウォーミングアップと復習をかねて”Heads & Shoulders”

“Make a face”は福笑いの様に『顔を作る』の意味もありますが、『変な顔をして!』と言う意味もあるので、コーラスの部分で変な顔するのも楽しいです♪